Create your future!

Tarbiyah Islamic School was founded in 2010 and has supported K-8 over these years. They expanded to Tarbiyah High and inaugurated high school education in the Summer of 2021 as part of its private educational institution with fee for tuition. Our intention is that no student be turned away based solely on inability to pay and we intend to turn to our community for appeals for sadaqah donation in order to offer scholarships that will help to ensure that students who wish to benefit from the Islamic pathway to high school from our American school can do so, and may it be sadaqah jariyah for everyone. Please consider donating. Prospective students should complete the scholarship application after completing the registration form and submitting the nominal registration fee in order to be provided scholarship support.  

Tuition & Payment Options

With discounts for prepayment and payment plans, you have the potential to earn an accelerated American high school diploma online, in an Islamic environment with opportunities for early college credits too!

Choose from one of our simple payment plans and get enrolled today!

 Payment Plans Reflect Tuition for Entire Three-Year Accelerated Program (9th to 12th Grade). Should a student need to extend their term to graduate, repeat failed classes for example, fees shall be charged at $598 per repeated course.   

*Tuitions Cover Course Access with Full Teacher Engagement, Support, Including Regularly Scheduled Live Sessions, But Do Not Include Book Fees. High School students will receive access to virtual textbooks and must pay relative textbook fees as incurred. Should physical books be requested by the student/parent or independent literature be required (English classes, for example) they are to be purchased directly by the student/parent and are not included in tuition or virtual book fees. Some courses may also require student investment in supplies or equipment (such as a personal stethoscope for medical pathway or hand tools for construction pathway, for example).

Students must have access to working Internet and laptop to participate (phones and tablets are more difficult to fully engage with course materials and live sessions).

Class of 2025

60% Off

Special Discount for



9th Grade


Monthly Pay Reduced to Just


Would you like to try it before you commit?

The ninth grade entry year includes an 8-week 9th Grade Summer Preview Term with four ½ credit courses (Introduction to High School with Pathway Exploratory and Study Skills, English, Math, Health). This term is designed to allow parents and students to sample the program before committing to the Fall Term. The two credits earned in the 9th Grade Summer Preview Term will count towards graduation requirements and also support the student’s readiness for and proper placement into Fall Term courses. The tuition paid for the 9th Grade Summer Preview Term will be applied to the payment plan chosen, should the student proceed with the full enrollment.