First Term Starts June 28, 2021!
Registration Open for Incoming 9th Graders
Entrance Requirements
We strive to provide unique pathways to graduation with varied learning experiences for members of our community. With that in mind, we look for serious and motivated students through our application process. Enrollment for the June trimester is open now. Enrollment is open internationally to students over the age of 14. In the event that thenumber of applications exceeds the number of openings, a lottery will be used to select students, with preferences given to those whose families are members of the Tarbiyah or Masjid Isa ibn-e-Maryam family in Delaware.
Promotion Requirements
In order for students to "pass" any given course and thus be promoted to the next level and/or to be awarded "credit(s)" for the class, they must achieve a minimum score of 70% overall (combined average score which may include live session and online classroom participation, asynchronous activities, labs, assignments, homework, tests, etc. as required by the course syllabus and instructor).
Guidance Counsel
Guidance Counselors serve as mentors and guides throughout the student's journey. All students will meet with a Guidance Counselor before the start of their first trimester in order to evaluate individual needs and customize the student's pathway for maximum success. Guidance Counselors shall teach the required Freshman Intro to High School, Pathway Exploratory, Study Skills course in order to further build relationship with students. Students may meet with a Guidance Counselor by appointment at any time and are encouraged to do so at least once each trimester.
Class of 2025
Calendar & Schedules
Tarbiyah High School is a year-round school that provides an accelerated 3-year track to graduation with an optional fourth year spent in dual credit college enrollment via our Early College Credit Program with the University of Delaware. Therefore, students may choose to graduate at the end of the 3-year term, assuming all credits have been earned, or they may choose to continue for an additional year to earn college credits with Tarbiyah Faculty support prior to graduating.
The ninth grade entry year includes an 8-week 9th Grade Summer Preview Term with four ½ credit courses (Introduction to High School, Pathway Exploratory & Study Skills, English, Math, Health). This term is designed to allow parents and students to sample the program before committing to the Fall Term. The four credits earned in the 9th Grade Summer Preview Term will count towards graduation requirements and also support the student’s readiness for and proper placement into Fall Term courses.
Note that live session times are based on the school's headquarters in Newark, Delaware and thus you can expect schedules to align with United States Eastern Time.
Accelerated 3-Year, Online, International,
Islamic High School with American Diploma
Early College Dual Enrollment Opportunities
4 Professional/Trade Tracks
Arabic, Quran, Islamic Studies